1. 湿热处 理对马铃薯淀粉理化性质和体外消化性的影响研究,2021年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2021KY0710)。
2. 香芋-小麦混合粉面条品质的研究,贺州学院校级项目(2017ZZZK07)。
3. 马蹄改性淀粉在润肤乳液中的应用研究, 广西果蔬保鲜和深加工研究人才小高地培育项目(2016GXGSXGD04)。
1. Chunli Deng, Oksana Melnyk, Guanli Li,Xiaochun Li, Yanghe Luo. .Optimization of Ccross-linked cassava starch coating formulation by response surface methodology and its preservation effects on‘Shatangju’mandarin.Polish Journal of Food Nutrition Science, 2022, 72(3), 332-344.
2. Chunli Deng, Oksana Melnyk, Tatyana Marenkova, Yanghe Luo. Modification in physicochemical, structural and digestive properties of potato starch during heat-moisture treatment combined with microwave pre- and post-treatment. Polish Journal of Food Nutrition Science, 2022, 72(3), 249-261.
3. Chunli Deng, Oksana Melnyk, Yanghe Luo. The effect of heat-moisture treatment conditions on the structure properties and functionalities of potato starch. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences,2021,15, 824-834.
4. Deng Chunli, Shang Feifei, Liu Yan, Melnyk O., Luo Yanghe. Recent advances in modification of starch and its applications in China food industry. The scientific heritage, 2020, 47(1), 19-26.
5. Chunli DENG, Oksana MELNYK, Yanghe LUO. Substitution of wheat flour with modified potato starch affects texture properties of dough and the quality of fresh noodles. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 2023, 43, e128222.
6. Chunli Deng, Oksana Melnyk, Yanghe Luo. Effect of different heat-moisture conditions on potato starch physicochemical properties. Journal of Chemistry and Technologies, 2022, 30(1), pp.139-150.
7. 邓春丽, 邓日英, 陈春岚, 韦秋兰, 罗杨合. 发芽黑豆乳的制备及其稳定剂配方优化研究[J]. 大豆科学, 2022, 41(1):73-82.
8. 邓春丽, 商飞飞, 韦里霖, 郭婷, 段振华. 香芋面条的制备及其品质影响研究[J]. 食品科技, 2020, 45(06): 198-203.
9. 邓春丽, 韦芳兰, 苏辉兰, 陈振林, 段振华. 响应面法优化芒果果醋发酵工艺研究[J]. 中国调味品, 2020, 45(2): 116-120,141.
1. 2023年6月被评为贺州学院优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师。