1. 基于压差驱动的真空油炸食用菌脆片油脂吸收机理,国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,32160573;
2. 贺州香芋高效栽培及产业化关键技术研究与推广(2022年度贺州市厅市会商专项),广西重点研发计划,桂科AB23049007;
3. 基于微结构调控的真空油炸食用菌脆片油脂吸收行为及机理,广西自然科学基金面上项目,2020GXNSFAA259093
1、Ren A., Cao Z., Tang X., Duan Z., Duan X*., Meng X*. Reduction of oil uptake in vacuum fried Pleurotus eryngii chips via ultrasound assisted pretreatment[J]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9: 1037652.
2、Li L., Ren X., Chen J., Cao W., Ren G., Bhandari B., Ren A*., Duan X.*. Changes and relationships of viscoelastic and physical properties of Chinese yam during a novel multiphase microwave drying process[J]. LWT, 2022, 168: 113969.
3、Zhao M., Cao W.,* Li L., Ren A*., Ang Y., Chen J., Duan, X*. Effects of different proteins and maltodextrin combinations as wall material on the characteristics of Cornus officinalis flavonoids microcapsules[J]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9: 1007863.
4、Li L., Chen J., Bai D., Xu M., Cao W., Ren G., Ren A*., Duan X*. Physicochemical, pasting properties and in vitro starch digestion of Chinese yam flours as affected by microwave freeze-drying[J]. Foods, 2022, 11(15): 2324.
5、Meng X., Shen Q., Song, T.; Zhao H., Zhang Y., Ren A*.,Yang W*. Facile Fabrication of Anthocyanin-Nanocellulose Hydrogel Indicator Label for Intelligent Evaluation of Minced Pork Freshness. Foods 2023, 12: 2602.